Sunday, September 10, 2006


It is of the most basic logic that parents have expectations for their children. Since I am already a spectacular person it leaves little room for my child to move past me in life. This should be his goal, so in an effort to relate to his future subjects what he was like before becoming your greatest despot I will present stories and thoughts about his youth here.

As of right now he is only five weeks old but already he has an iron grip on controlling my habits. He finds it important to not allow me more than five hours of contiguous sleep, instead he has determined that my schedule be four hours of sleep followed by attempts to sleep later, resulting in several one hour increments separated by breaks to feed, change, or worship his image.

Life for those who serve will have its rewards (or so I am told,) however they will be presented posthumously, so I have that going for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great reading! Can't wait to see what your "bundle o joy" brings to the blog. Keep it up.