Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Nuevo Invisible Fence

When I see other parents out and they are using some form of leash on their child I always feel a bit strange. It does seem as though they are granting their children the same amount of respect they would grant their pets. Conversly I will probably use some form of leash when TheBoy gets older so that way he has some what more freedom than if he had to stay right next to me the entire time.

What is strange is that while it may afford a more discreet method of travel essentially I am on a leash every day. This is not some monologue by a hack comedian about how "my wife has me on such a leash, I can't even go to the grocery store by myself because I am so incompetant... har har har." No I actually have an electronic leash and it goes by the handy moniker of baby monitor.

No matter what I am doing, if TheBoy is not with me then I have to take the electronic leash with me. Sometimes I sneak out of the house without it, if I need to run a bag of trash to the curb or something similar, but for all intents and purposes I have it near me always.

So it would seem that the real person I feel sorry for when I see a child wearing one in public is myself.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Pastel Exorcism

Finally he has reached an age where the only available options no longer involve pastel shades of primary and secondary colors. Although that leads to a further discussion as to the idea of a pastel brown, could there be such a horrible things. If there is I lament the poor individual whose parents impose that upon them. Even worse if those parents take pictures, for the evidence of that act should haunt him to the ends of time.

As for the boy he is finally able to wear some clothes that make him look not just good, but dangerously good. I now worry about the possibility that he will manage to know some girl up and that his childhood will be over. Oh I know that according to "science" it is impossible, but my faith tells me otherwise. I mean the expression 'babies having babies' comes from somewhere right?

So he can finally wear clothes that make him look like a person and not like a baby. That is a strange sentence, he is of course a baby but also a person. Anyway the clothing now looks good, in particular we found this great denim jacket that makes him look so cool. The other day he was wearing it for some pictures and I kept expecting him to break out in "Born to Run," of "Jack and Diane." He didn't.

Right now we seem to be favoring the khakis and button up shirt looks. Though I don't know for how much longer since he has already begun trying to put everything in his mouth and I don't want to give him ammunition in the form of little plastic buttons. For now though he looks too good not to let him wear the button up shirts.